
Monday, 11 March 2024

Container Spaceship part 9

 Yes it has been nearly two years since the last post on this project.

I have now built the centre module of the spaceship. This is the housing that hides the 15mm water pipe support structure and has the DC power connectors. It is bolted to the under side of the truss.

The first thing was to print out full size the truncated triangle truss cad drawing I used for the previous front and rear modules and glue it to some 2mm styrene sheet for centre popping the corner radii with an automatic centre punch.  Two layers of styrene sheet were temporarily adhered with double sided tape and drilled, cut out and filed and sanded together as one. The corners were then drilled out with a step drill. Step drills work very well on plastics. The remaining holes were cut out on the scroll saw. 

The truss components were then glued to another layer of 2mm styrene to make the end panels and the rest of the truncated triangular box could be built.

Slots were cut into the sides to allow for the side pipe supports. As these supports protrude a bit from the triangle, a box section had to be added to cover it up on both sides. These boxes need to be removable so I can get access for the bolts that attach the whole thing to the truss. They can be permanently affixed once I am satisfied all the electrical connections for the lighting are working. The surface detailing has also been started.

Surface detailing was then completed starting with the underside and then finishing up all sides.

Then, as per usual, out came the grey primer to check the work. In the photos below you can see a piece of tubing stuck into the DC power connectors. I use this as masking to prevent the paint getting on the contacts.

There are two jobs left to do on the construction phase of this project. One is is to start on the detailing for the upper deck  and the other is to build a cockpit interior with lighting and figures..

Will it be two years before the next post on this project? Hard to say for sure but I hope not.

Thanks for looking.

More soon...

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