
Friday 23 February 2024

Jan Buragay Spaceship part 2

I completed detailing the engine nozzles and gave them a spray of primer.

Although the Jan Buragay concept thumbnail has no indication of a cockpit I like to include one in my models as an interior with figures acts as a reference for scale and draws the viewer in.

I decided to make the model 1/35 scale as it seemed to sit well with the only other 1/35 scale spaceship I have made, the Kit bash Shuttlecraft.

I dug out some 1/35 scale seated figures that looked the part and arranged the cockpit to suit. It was then detailed in two sections for easier access.

I decided to have some porthole style windows on the sides so have included some over length pvc electrical conduit that will be sanded back to the correct profile once the external skin has gone on.

The lighting is a small 3 led length of 12 volt strip lighting in cool white.

The cockpit detailing is complete and will need to be painted and weathered and then sealed up permanently before the hull skinning process can begin.

Thanks for looking.

More soon...

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