
Wednesday, 22 September 2021

Merchant Vessel part 4

One thing I forgot to add was a hatch so I rectified that problem by modifying the command section with an underside door/ramp on each side. The picture below shows it on the model which is mounted  bottom side up so the door is shown below upside down.

 After taking care of that omission and adding a few small details to the landing pads it was time to complete the application of grey primer. The result of which is shown in the following series of pictures below.

The picture above shows the starboard door which would theoretically hinge down forming a ramp.

 Next task is to design a paint scheme.

At this stage I am intending that the inset detail areas and engines will remain dark grey with the command section, skinned hull areas and wings predominantly green with red markings.

Thanks for looking.

More soon...



  1. Looks cool in gray. FANTASTIC JOB!!! Question was the salad bowl styrene or acrylic?

  2. It was probably styrene as it was thin in section. Acrylic bowls tend to be thicker. Either of those plastics work for me as the solvent I use will work on both.
