
Saturday, 29 August 2020

Moon Bug part 5

I believe I have finished up the construction phase of the Moon Bug project with the completion of the Cabin interior.

I made a central console out of a 1/35 scale tank hull front and part of the casing of an old radio control transmitter, the bit that the telescopic aerial was mounted in. 

The interior has 4 LEDs wired up inside, two white in the centre and two red on the outer edges. They are wired up to the 12 volt supply with a suitable resistor on the positive side and held in place with blobs of hot glue.

A piece of opal perspex is added to the front as a screen and light diffuser along with a surround of 0.5 styrene. Various tiny kit parts complete the detailing.

The seats have had arm rests and control panels added with a rudimentary joystick.

Detailing of the side tanks has also been completed. These will be adhered to the chassis once painted.

Once the interior is painted I can glue the cabin side bowls in position. They may need some further detailing but I will wait and see after the primer has gone on.

Actually, looking at the photo above, it occurs to me that the front window struts on the interior could do with some detailing as well.

Thanks for looking.

More soon...

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